Pet Dermatology
Discover our various pet dermatology treatments, ensuring your
furry friend’s skin health at Healthy Pets Boca North.
Stress-free environment guaranteed!

Expert Dermatology Services for Pet Skin Health
At Healthy Pets Boca North, we offer various dermatology services to keep your pet’s skin and coat healthy. During your visit, we’ll strive to put them in a friendly and stress-free environment!
Pet Allergy Signs and Symptoms
Is your pet scratching and chewing at their skin? Does your dog constantly rub their face and lick their paws? Does your cat groom themselves until they are bald? If so, they aren’t alone. Skin problems are common in pets, but they have a variety of causes, and their symptoms can look very different.
Here are some signs that your pet might have a skin problem:
- Excessive licking, chewing, biting, or scratching
- Hair loss
- Changes in the skin: sores, scabs, flaky skin
- Runny, itchy eyes
- Itchy ears, red and inflamed ear canals, ear discharge
- Head shaking
- Body odor
- Foot chewing
Itching in dogs is commonly related to allergies. Flea saliva is just one of many pet allergens. Dogs and cats can be allergic to virtually anything in the environment, such as dust mites, dander (cat, human, etc.), pollen, grasses, mold spores, and more.
Many pets have seasonal allergies. These are most likely caused by environmental allergies (also known as Atopic Dermatitis). Although relatively uncommon, pets can also have food allergies. The best way to determine food allergies is with a food trial and not with pet allergy testing. Pets can develop a food allergy at any time in their life – even if they have been eating the same food all along!
There are many possible symptoms of skin problems in dogs and cats. Fortunately, most of the causes fall into only a few categories: skin parasites, skin infections, and allergies.
Many pets have seasonal allergies. These are most likely caused by environmental allergies (also known as Atopic Dermatitis). Although relatively uncommon, pets can also have food allergies. The best way to determine food allergies is with a food trial and not with pet allergy testing. Pets can develop a food allergy at any time in their life – even if they have been eating the same food all along!
Treating Skin Parasites with Pet Dermatology
Fleas are the most common reason why pets experience itchy skin. These tiny parasites can live beneath the hair coat and survive by biting your pet and ingesting their blood. Not all dogs and cats seem bothered by fleas, but some will become very itchy. This means that they are likely allergic to flea saliva. In flea-allergic animals, even one flea bite can cause a reaction.
Fleas thrive in warm weather, making year-round flea protection necessary in Florida. We offer safe and effective flea prevention to defend your pet and help keep fleas away.
We recommend Nexgard for dogs, which is a tasty once-a-month oral flea and tick medication. We also recommend Bravecto and Revolution for cats, which are topical treatments.
We know there are many flea and tick preventatives on the market today, but we have chosen these specific options because of what we know about their safety and effectiveness. To learn more about these preventatives, please come in and speak with one of our team members. If you prefer a different flea preventative, please visit our home delivery service for various options and products.
Pet Allergy Testing & Treatment
The best way to help your pet is to discover why they are itching. Our veterinarians will perform a full physical exam, closely examine the skin, and may perform diagnostic tests to determine exactly why your pet is itchy. If environmental allergies are suspected, we will likely recommend allergy testing.
Allergic pets can receive allergy shots to desensitize them to the allergen. Although this is not an immediate cure, allergy hypo-sensitization can be implemented for your pet’s specific allergy needs.
This targeted immunomodulation therapy can help 70-75% of allergic pets decrease their symptoms, decrease their need for other medications, and address the cause of the allergies, not just the symptoms.
There are various effective treatments for canine and feline allergies, which may include a combination of long-established therapies like antihistamines, shampoos, and fish oil or new treatment options like Apoquel or Cytopoint.
- Apoquel – a daily oral medication that stops allergic itching in dogs without many of the negative side effects of steroids.
- Cytopoint – a convenient injection given once every 4-8 weeks. This is a biological therapy: a type of non-pharmaceutical treatment that works like your dog’s own immune system.
Remember, there is no exact cure for the allergic dog. Managing their allergies is an ongoing process. Secondary infections of the skin, eyes, and ears may develop despite your best efforts.
Are You Looking for Pet Dermatology in Boca Raton, FL?
Don’t lose heart! Commit yourself to giving ongoing quality care to your pet. Our team at Healthy Pets Boca North is here to help you.
Visit us in Boca Raton or Delray Beach, FL, to learn more about our exceptional team and the services we provide to keep your pets healthy and by your side. To learn more about dermatology for pets, contact us today!
If your pet is showing any of these signs, please call us immediately for dermatology treatment. Skin problems and ear infections in dogs are easier to treat early when the signs first appear. Waiting to seek treatment can sometimes result in complications that make it more difficult – and more expensive.